Thursday, April 30, 2009

MA budget cuts threaten jobs for people with disabilities

Massachusetts advocates and parents are worried about the proposed 2010 budget that cuts $7.4 million from day employment programs for people with intellectual disabilities.

The budget cut would mean lost jobs for people like 52-year-old Kimberly Lane. Kimberly has Down syndrome and has worked at the ARC Community Services in Fitchburg for the past 30 years.

If the funding is not restored, Kimberly and 6,000 others will have nothing to do but to sit at home or be placed outside the home.

“We’re really worried,” said [Leo V. Sarkissian, executive director of ARC of Massachusetts]. “Without this program they could be in situations that place them at risk. If parents have to work, they could end up needing residential services, which would cost more. In some cases, people would just be sitting at home and potentially doing nothing.”

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