Monday, January 11, 2010

ADHD and Stress

Parents, is your child suffering from undo stress? Does he or she struggle with fear, anxiety, nervousness or anxiety?

Today, more and more children are exhibiting considerable signs of stress, particularly with respect to education. For many children, this higher level of stress seems to be directly interfering with their ability to learn.

In addition, children predisposed to conditions like ADD or ADHD are especially susceptible to the effects of stress. These children are twice as likely to abuse alcohol and drugs and four times likely to get in trouble with law enforcement.

Of even greater concern is that these higher levels of stress seem to be occurring at earlier and earlier ages. Many children as young as 5 or 6 years old are exhibiting the effects of higher levels of stress. Under the “No Child Left Behind Act” and the mistaken belief that learning earlier is better, more children are being forced to accept greater academic responsibilities, even as early as 3 and 4 years old.

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