Thursday, October 29, 2009

Actor with Down syndrome wins top Spanish film award

From Agence France Press:
Pablo Pineda, a Spanish actor with Down syndrome, has been awarded the best actor prize at the San Sebastian Film Festival for his performance in the film “Yo, Tambien” (”Me Too”).
Pineda plays a 34-year-old man with Down syndrome who, like Pineda himself, earns a university degree. His character then goes on to start his first job in regional social services and fall in love with a colleague. Pineda has a university degree in special education.

To play Sanz with a range of emotions from joy to disappointment and sadness “called for a lot of introspection, I had to relive some very difficult moments,” said Pineda after the feature-length film by directors Antonio Naharro and Alvaro Pastor was screened at the festival.

“El problema”, abundó Pineda, “es que hay gente que ni siquiera tiene una oportunidad en la vida como la que yo he tenido. He hecho esta película por ellos. Siempre me he considerado el portavoz, el que lleva la bandera del colectivo Down, porque no tienen voz. Alguien tiene que tenerla y me ha tocado a mí”.

Unofficial translation:
“The problem,” explained Pineda, “is that there are people who have not even had the opportunity in life like the one I have had. I have made this film on their behalf. I have always considered myself the spokesman, the one to carry the flag for the Down syndrome community, because they don’t have a voice. Somebody must have it, and it has fallen to me.”

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