Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What Does "IQ" Stand For, and What Does It Mean?

"IQ" stands for intelligence quotient. Originally, "IQ" tests were created to be able to identify children who might need special education. The classic IQ test score is a number that reflects your mental age and your intelligence.

IQ Reference Chart:

1-19 Profound Mental Retardation
20–34 Severe Mental Retardation
35–49 Moderate Mental Retardation
50–69 Mild Mental Retardation
70–79 Borderline Mental Retardation
80-114 Average Intelligence
115-129 Bright
130-144 Moderately Gifted
145-159 Highly Gifted
160-175 Exceptionally Gifted
Over 175 Profoundly Gifted

Keep IQ Test Scores In Perspective!

Many factors can affect your IQ score -- results can vary from test to test, and they are also affected by how you felt when you took the test. Be sure to keep that in mind when you are considering how you measure up on the intelligence scale. And above all, remember, the man who discovered the structure of DNA had an IQ of "only" 115! If you look up his scores on the IQ test scale, he was only average, after all.

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