Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Born to play

Morgan Fawcett was born to play Native American flute. And his 15-year-old imagination can produce melodies and rhythms at once captivating and haunting. But the same forces that molded his body into a flute-playing dynamo have left Morgan without the ability to read sheet music or remember how to play the very songs he creates.

Morgan is an alcoholic who has never touched a drop in his life. He is a victim of the excesses of his mother, who drank during her pregnancy.This past winter, he was diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome. It is a condition that varies greatly from one case to another. Some victims suffer severe retardation while others are uncoordinated and struggle with mathematical concepts. Some never grow hair and have disfigured skulls, but others merely have high foreheads and crooked teeth.


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