Friday, April 24, 2009

‘Where’s Molly?’ One family’s experience with institutionalization

In 1957, when Jeff Daly was 6 years old, his 2-year-old sister suddenly disappeared from his family. For nearly 50 years, Jeff and his family lived their lives as if his sister had never existed.
One day, after both his parents had died, Jeff found the answer to the question he wasn’t supposed to ask

Following records his father had kept, Jeff Daly learned that his parents had sent Molly to a state institution for the “feeble-minded” in Oregon shortly before her third birthday. He searched for her, built a new life that includes her, and then lobbied for a change in Oregon law that makes it easier for families to locate people who had been institutionalized.

Now Daly has made a documentary film that explores his family’s journey. “Where’s Molly?” opens a window on the practice that led to the institutionalization of an estimated half a million children with disabilities in the ’50s alone.

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